Looking for innovation and efficiency in your architectural projects?

Datamorphoz is a computational design consultancy. From the automation of feasibility studies to the optimization of building envelopes, our expertise is targeted at project owners and designers who want to combine sustainability, profitability and performance.

Our computational design activities intersect several fields: Architecture & Urban Planning, Engineering, Design, Society, and Individuals.

Background with curved shapes in greyscale

Our expertise in computational design

We believe that algorithms know no bounds – neither in their scalability nor in their applications. That is why we have created three distinct divisions, each drawing inspiration and technical expertise from the other.


Parametric design

Creation of configurable components for interior design

3D configurators with a high level of customization

Automation of fabrication files for CNC machines and digital manufacturing


Serving the Energy & Environmental Transition

Performance-driven design and generative methodology (data-driven design)

From conceptual to technical and certification phases

Design and decision-making services focused on automation, multi-criteria optimisation, and rationalisation of complex geometries


Applied Research & Training

Developing algorithmic processes to support the energy and digital transition

Thinking and building the cities of tomorrow

Urban morphogenesis, AI, bio-inspired growth processes, automation, and mass customisation

Our fields of expertise

Datamorphoz provides computational design services in a wide range of field, from real estate to product design.

Real Estate

  • Supporting land acquisition
  • Automating and optimising site layout scenarios
  • Creating added value
Computational design - Morphogénèse urbaine : génération automatisée d'un scénario d'aménagement sur un foncier. Représentation de la compétence en conception algorithmique pour le domaine de l'immobilier
Computational design - Simulation de lumière naturelle sur le sol d'un gymnase pour la certification LEED. Représentation de la compétence en conception algorithmique pour le domaine de l'ingénierie environnementale.

Environmental Engineering

  • Enhancing passive strategies through multi-objective approaches
  • Natural light & visual comfort, views, solar access, and summer overheating protection

Architecture & Urban planning

  • Design and decision support through algorithmic processes & multi-criteria optimisation
  • Modeling complex and bio-inspired geometries
  • Procedural design, modular architecture, and off-site construction
Computational design - Génération automatisée d'une enveloppe solaire non binaire grâce à des voxels. Représentation de la compétence en conception algorithmique pour le domaine de l'architecture et l'urbanisme.
Computational design - Bracelets bio-inspirés imprimés en 3D avec la technique SLS par frittage de poudre. Représentation de la compétence en conception algorithmique pour le domaine du design et de la fabrication numérique.


  • Developing configurable products
  • Automate and streamline manufacturing: complex and organic geometries, bio-inspired processes

“Computational design is not just a tool. It is a process based on algorithms that automate, optimise and rationalise geometries or generate multiple design options.”


Founder, Datamorphoz

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